EPINET National Data Coordinating Center

Principal Investigator:
Abram Rosenblatt, PhD
The ENDCC is operated by WestatOpens a new tab, and it serves as the primary coordinator for Early Psychosis Intervention Network (EPINET) activities across the Regional Hubs and early psychosis clinics. Working closely with National Institute of Mental Health, Regional Hubs, and clinics, the ENDCC will harmonize and aggregate data collected as part of treatment in EPINET clinics. The ENDCC will share these data with Hubs, clinics, and ultimately with Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) programs nationwide to support early psychosis care, quality improvement, and benchmarking. Through this process, the ENDCC is developing a unique research database that will be available to scientists within and outside of EPINET to support research and improve early psychosis identification, clinical assessment, intervention effectiveness, and recovery outcomes among individuals experiencing their first symptoms of psychosis.


The activities of the ENDCC can be summarized by its five aims:
Aim 1: Serve as the central coordinating entity for Regional Hubs and facilitate the sharing of data collection strategies, early psychosis data, analytic methods, and clinical expertise.
Aim 2: Curate and harmonize key assessment measures, clinical strategies, and data elements across Regional Hubs.
Aim 3: Implement a health informatics approach within and across Regional Hubs.
Aim 4: Facilitate practice-based research.
Aim 5: Disseminate CSC resources to the broader scientific, provider, and patient communities.
Contact Information
The ENDCC Team
The ENDCC is supported by the National Institute of Mental Health under award number 5U24MH120591.